
Gabriel Maldonado

Icon DesignerFigmaUser PersonasSaaSDesign SystemseCommerce UXMobile Applications响应式网页设计(RWD)Photoshop CCIllustrator CCUsability TestingMobileSketch

United StatesToptal Member Since March 28, 2019

Gabriel has an MBA in digital media management and spent a year overseeing the planning and execution of the first native mobile app for Sears Corporation. 他专注于内部和外部平台的UI/UX以人为本的设计解决方案, 为客户提供最大的可视性和效率. Gabriel also enhanced CareerBuilder's client platform based on extensive design research and UI/UX best practices.

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Bruno O. Barros

Icon DesignerPrototypingMobileMobile App DesignWireframingWeb DesignUser Interface (UI)Web App DesignWeb App UIApp UIUX DesignVisual DesignAdobe Illustrator

BrazilToptal Member Since August 27, 2018

Bruno is a senior UI/UX product designer based in Rio who's experienced at working remotely for companies worldwide. He was the lead designer at CareCloud's Breeze patient intake platform for iOS, Android, and web. Breeze在2018年SaaS大奖中入围“SaaS产品最佳UI/UX设计”.

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Igor Savelev

Icon DesignerFigmaVisual DesignRapid PrototypingiOS UI DesignMobile App UIMobile UIPrototypingMobile PrototypesUX PrototypingApp UXMobile ApplicationsApp UI

TurkeyToptal Member Since April 10, 2017

Igor is a user experience and interface designer with over 15 years of experience in mobile application design. 他成功地为医疗保健行业运送了数字产品, fintech, social media, SaaS, 增强现实公司. Igor worked for well-known enterprises, such as Adidas, and startups that have grown into unicorns.

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Tomek Nowak

Icon DesignerIllustrationSaaSSaaS DesignUX ResearchWeb UIWeb DesignWeb App DesignDashboard DesignCryptocurrencyWireframingBlockchainMobile Wallet

PolandToptal Member Since December 30, 2015

Tomek是一位经验丰富的产品设计师,拥有15年的专业知识, 主要专注于网页和本地移动应用程序的设计. 他的专业领域包括网络应用(pwa和桌面应用)。, 原生iOS和Android应用, and design systems. 他曾与哈佛医学院、Booking等知名品牌合作.com、Japan Rail Pass、DealDash、Smart Token Labs以及许多其他大大小小的初创公司. Tomek创建了波兰最大的旅游网络应用程序之一,拥有超过500万独立用户.

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Charlotte Cavellier

Icon DesignerVisual DesignPresentation Design响应式网页设计(RWD)Web DesignUI DesignBrandingCustomer ExperienceAdobe PhotoshopBrand GuidelinesAdobe IllustratorUser FlowsWireframing

SpainToptal Member Since March 6, 2017

For over a decade, 夏洛特一直在为Inditex等公司服务,磨练自己的技能, Hugo Boss, Esprit, 与KPN合作设计数字产品,并从代理和客户双方开展品牌推广工作. Charlotte has taken part in building an on-demand video streaming platform within a cross-functional Agile team where she actively collaborated on customer experience and user research. More recently, Charlotte领导了跨平台酒店招聘板的设计策略和用户体验.

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Alexandre Mortreux

Icon DesignerBlockchainSketchAdobe PhotoshopAdobe IllustratorDashboard DesignSaaSDesign SystemsResponsivePrototypingWeb UIUX FlowsSaaS Design

TaiwanToptal Member Since January 21, 2016

Alexandre is a multidisciplinary designer with more than a decade of experience designing clean and minimal interfaces for web and mobile products. 同时工作灵活,易于沟通, 亚历山大的客户知道他重视创造力, 责任心强,总是力求取得最好的成绩. 他乐于接受需要高质量解决方案的令人兴奋的项目和具有挑战性的任务.

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Linsey Peterson

Icon DesignerInVisionBrand DesigniOS UI DesignMobile App DesignSketchAdobe IllustratorUI DesignWeb DesignIllustrationBrandingLogo DesignWeb App Design

United StatesToptal Member Since June 20, 2017

林西一直在设计网站, apps, 在不同的机构从事数码产品工作超过7年, startups, 自由职业客户. She specializes in branding, UI, and visual design and also has expertise in UX and brand strategy. Linsey has a lot of experience managing and completing projects remotely and is eager to partner with new clients helping them achieve their goals through digital strategy and design.

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Rebeka Dimitrievska

Icon DesignerMobile DesignWeb DesignUX DesignUI DesignUser Experience (UX)User Interface (UI)Product DesignAndroidiOSSketchWireframingDashboard Design

MacedoniaToptal Member Since October 21, 2015

作为产品设计师和架构师, 丽贝卡总是以一种吸引人的方式传达客户的愿景, user-friendly, 和实用设计. 她拥有丰富的iOS和Android平台所有用例应用设计经验. Rebeka is a focused team member with strong communication skills and always behaves professionally.

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Kasey Randall

Icon DesignerMobile Design快速交互原型Usability TestingUX StrategySitemapsSketchInVisionAdobe体验设计(XD)iOS UI DesignAndroid UI DesignData VisualizationWireframing

United StatesToptal Member Since January 28, 2019

凯西是一个冒险家, storyteller, 设计企业家, 帮助塑造人们体验周围数字世界的方式. He's intuitive eye for core experience and passion for design result in truly engaging interactions. 作为一个成功的UX和交互设计师, 客户和团队已经开始依赖凯西来提供极具影响力的服务, 跨web的端到端数字解决方案, mobile, and software.

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Michael Dedrick

Icon DesignerUX ResearchUX DesignBrand IdentityPrincipleUX StrategyUser InterviewsUser FlowsWeb DesignOmniGraffle交互原型IllustrationBranding

United StatesToptal Member Since October 19, 2016

在迈克尔的世界里,用户永远是第一位的. He possesses the proven ability to develop highly-effective strategic marketing collateral for high-end clients, including Apple, IBM, L’Oreal, Fidelity, Bud Light, Home Depot, Costco, and Walmart. He's committed to connecting with clients and users—and bringing their vision to life effectively across a broad, 广泛的媒介范围.

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Total's screening and matching process ensures exceptional talent are matched to your precise needs.

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... allows corporations to quickly assemble teams that have the right skills for specific projects.

Despite accelerating demand for coders, Toptal prides itself on almost Ivy League-level vetting.

Our clients
Conor Kenney
Thierry Jakicevic
Elmar Platzer
Clients Rate 总图标设计师4.2 / 5.0截至2023年10月19日,平均有66条评论

Michael是一个不可思议的设计师,他非常适合我们的项目. 他就是用一种无法传授的方式来理解. 我的目标是付钱给Toptal为我的项目找到一个高质量的设计师, 事实就是如此. It was easy. Being able to see the portfolio work on Toptal’s platform is what gave me the infomation I needed to choose Michael. I have nothing but good things to say about Toptal and am looking forward to using Toptal for other projects in the future.



I've worked very closely with Martina for over a year and have to say she is one of the best people I have ever worked with. 而不是简单地盲从指令, 她仔细考虑手头的任务, 无论项目是什么,成为一个思想伙伴来帮助你. 除了在设计方面很有天赋, she possesses specific qualities that make her exceptional to work with given the fast paced nature of being a startup. 我一定会把她推荐给任何想找天才的人, 不需要太多指导的专业设计师.

Sahil Khanna, Sr. Manager, Marketing

LeanTaaS, Inc.

Darko在为我们的概念设计用户架构方面做得很好, 这让他创作出了很棒的线框图. His knowledge of usability and design was a perfect match for the outside voice we needed to help jumpstart our project. 我们一定会推荐他,并在未来与他再次合作.

Rich Danker,创始人

Prose Market

Carlos has the unique talent of blending both quantitative and qualitative research to keenly identify UX challenges and opportunities. 他有条理地思考, emphatically, 并从整体上产生数据驱动的战略和执行良好的设计. 在过去的8年里,我与完全或部分分布的团队一起工作, Carlos manages working remotely far better than anyone I've encountered because of his strong communication and presentation skills. 他是我下次需要UX设计师时的第一个人选.


Union Station

拉斐尔是个了不起的设计师. 他的审美敏锐, 他似乎能在我们还不知道需求是什么之前就预测到我们的需求. 他花时间了解我们的公司和我们的客户, 他的解决方案始终符合我们的价值观, interests, 以及我们客户的需求. 他按时交货(如果不是更早的话),工作迅速,组织有序,效率很高. 和他一起工作很愉快,我们很高兴通过Toptal找到了他.

Ethan Brooks, CTO

Langlotz Patent & Trademark Works, Inc.

Toptal让我们有机会接触到最好的设计师. 他们不容易找到. 这些设计师很快就融入了我们现有的团队. 他们很快就理解了我们的业务案例和解决方案的价值. Toptal really allowed us to focus on building the best possible product and save a lot of time on the typical administrative pains that goes with it -- specifically, 寻找最优秀的人才. Toptal设计师的反应非常迅速,总是在线——这让我们的生活变得非常轻松. We have ambitious goals on how to grow the application and already Toptal has been a key contributor to that success.

Thierry Jakircevic,东京普利司通总部数字解决方案总经理


我们和Toptal设计师一起工作的经历非常棒. 在短短两周内,我们完成了大多数公司需要3个月才能完成的任务. We also enjoyed working with the Toptal team to make sure we were paired up with the right designer that would fit both our company culture and working style.



Dean blew us away. He ranks right up there as one of the top five designers of the hundreds I have worked with in the past. He listened, 非常专业, 完全靠自己的力量设计出了一个3D旋转立方体. 我们甚至都没有要求, and yet it has become the centerpiece of our app and how users engage with it right off the bat. What he produced inspired all of us at Votify, and put us on track for launch and investor funding.

迈克尔·劳伦斯,创始人 & CEO

Votify LLC




设计总监将与您一起了解您的目标, technical needs, and team dynamics.


几天之内,我们将为您的项目介绍合适的图标设计师. 平均匹配时间在24小时以下.


与你的新图标设计师一起试用一段时间(只在满意的情况下付费), 在订婚前确保他们是合适的人选.


Access a vast pool of skilled designers in our talent network and hire the top 3% within just 48 hours.


  • Toptal图标设计师有何不同?

    At Toptal, we thoroughly screen our icon designers to ensure we only match you with talent of the highest caliber. Of the more than 200,每年有5000人申请加入Toptal网络, 只有不到3%的人能达标. You’ll work with design experts (never generalized recruiters or HR reps) to understand your goals, technical needs, and team dynamics. The end result: expert vetted talent from our network, custom matched to fit your business needs.

  • 我可以在不到48小时内通过Toptal聘请图标设计师吗?

    取决于可用性和进度, 你可以在注册后48小时内开始与图标设计师合作.

  • Toptal图标设计师的无风险试用期是什么?

    We make sure that each engagement between you and your icon designer begins with a trial period of up to two weeks. 这意味着你有时间确认订婚是否成功. 如果你对结果完全满意, 我们会给你开时间单的,你愿意多久我们就多久. 如果您不完全满意,我们不会向您收费. From there, 我们要么分道扬镳, or we can provide you with another expert who may be a better fit and with whom we will begin a second, no-risk trial.


  • Trusted Experts Only

    Trusted Experts Only

    我们所有的人才都是经验丰富的专家,他们的成长速度很快, 乐于作为核心团队成员做出贡献, 和你一起努力,尽量缩短入职时间.

  • The Right Fit

    The Right Fit

    我们有办法帮你找到合适的衣服. 在无风险的试用期开始和你的新员工一起工作,只在满意的情况下付钱.

  • Scale as Needed

    Scale as Needed


  • Seamless Hiring

    Seamless Hiring

    我们处理账单、付款和保密协议的所有方面. 当你专注于创造伟大的产品时,让我们来照顾你的开销.

  • Flexible Engagements

    Flexible Engagements

    选择适合你需要的约定类型——每小时, part-time, 或者全职——随时可以改变.

  • 专家人才匹配


    Focus on your project and enjoy support from your dedicated account executive and expert talent matcher.


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